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catching up

Nov 15, 2022

말ㅇㅣ야 쉽지
(이 부정적인 기운ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

you have to at least give it a shot regardless of the results, it may turn out to be your way
so just do it

라파엘로가 1등인데 킨더 부에노 1등에 근접한 2등
알고 보니 라파엘로 페레로로쉐 누텔라랑 같은회사다 오? 오???

네 잘랐습니다

커피알못 나

맛있으면 주구장창 사 마신다

내가 조으면 그만
지금 조으면 그만

flying the rainbow flag right next to the national flag?
디 폴 트 가 다 르 다

why is no one restocking the shelf seriously

sooo it was another day of me being spontaneous-i timed myself to see if my (pretty reasonble) (fairly convincing) claim is right or wrong.
i wrote about this in my previous post where i questioned as to why the length of the two lights at rosedale valley road and park road i strongly believe was significantly different. guess what, the one is actually triple times longer than the other, approximately 60 seconds to 20 seconds and i have video proof saved on my phone.
during recording while i was dying to have been proved right, i was able to view the whole picture from a totally different perspective. and i realized it instantly-it was about not pedestrians, but vehicle. it was all about eastbound and/or westbound traffic that is quite uncomparable to the one that is towards south or north. all i cared about was me this entire time, complaing why this light made me rush walking across the street giving me such a short amount of time to cross, i never considered any other aspect that would determine how or why things have to be done and whatnot. whilst starting to take the first video, i had a eureka moment, and yeah it all makes sense now.
so there's that. that was the reason, i got a very clear answer to my doubt.
i did it for my own good and it turned out to be a time of self reflection unexpectly.

아홉 끼니 연속 면 식사 중

키릴 여전해
아니 실력이 좀더 좋아진거 같음?

여전하다는 말 그대로라는 말 좋은거같다 부정적으로도 비꼬아서도 쓰일 수도 있겠지만(어느 단어가 안 그러랴) 거진 반년만에 본 키릴 카프리조프한테서 느끼는 여전함이란 다행스럽고 반가운 감정 그리고 그냥 보는것만으로도 안심이 되고 마음이 평안해지고 따뜻해진다
(이거 사랑인데?)