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things i did not know until now Oct 22, 2022  🕐 크래미와 게맛살의 가격 차이가 두 배 나는 이유-게맛살은 가짜였음 그리고 난 가짜를 구매했음 🕑 운전면허증 갱신은 10년마다 🫡 안그럼 과태료 내야🕒 렌트값이 오른댄다 🕓 벨기에 프랑스어 쓰는 나라인줄 알았는데 공용어가 무려 세 개 😮 아니 얘네 땅덩어리 작지 않나여튼 북부 지역은 flemish라는 벨기에 네덜란드어를 씀 wtfock aka skam belgium이 플람스어를 사용하는 안트베르펜(앤트워프)을 배경으로 함하긴 wtfock을 굳이 프랑스어로 제작할 필요가 없지 skam france가 있는 마당에 🧐🕔 세상은 넓고 재능있는 배우는 참 많다 출연진들 나이 많아봤자 20대 초반일텐데 포텐셜 낭낭한 친구들이 몇 있어보임skam france s5 arthur..
rambling by myself Oct 21, 2022 2:21 pm hi hi i'm having iced coffee right now-what is redeye iced coffee by the way, just ordered it not knowing what i was going to get because it's new-at tims. wowwwwww how long have i not been able to sit at a cafe just chilling out? trying hard to recall the last time i was doing but i have absolutely no idea when it was. 카페에 앉아서 아이스커피를 마시는게 얼마만이냐 진짜.. 언제가 마지막이었는지 아예 기억조차 없다 (..
bye autumn Oct 20, 2022
the Guardiac Kids Oct 18, 2022 I had a blast watching this team fight and grow all season long, so so proud of you all Thanks for an awesome five month, Cleveland Guardians 🫡 photos from the guardians twitter
Myles Straw revenge series 🔜 Oct 10, 2022 i need you to go off this series more than i need air to breathe please
onward we go Oct 8, 2022 THEY DESERVE IT 북미 프로 스포츠 종목 다른 같은 연고지 팀끼리 응원해주는거 괜히 좋다 12시 대낮 경기라서 진짜 조퇴 간절했을듯함 난 선발투수 좋아함 SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO SAM HENTGES 👏👏👏 1차전 결승 투런 / 2차전 15회 끝내기 홈런 그래 응원 열심히 해 ㅋㅋ LETS GOOO ✔️✔️☑️☑️☑️ 3번 더 하자! 사진 출처 가디언스 트위터, 엠엘비파크 한화LA응원님 아 블루제이스는 토론토 이제 하키 보라고 일찍 떨어진거임 🙃
STAND FOR THE LAND Oct 7, 2022 hell yeahhhhhhhh playoff bound!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's going to be a roller coaster of emotions for sure and i am so ready 😏but actually, watching postseason baseball makes me realize what teams i didn't know i do not root for in my heart. it's kind of a journey of finding out who i genuinely don't want to see someone win it all, and i'm quite surprised to find myself how muc..
between two worlds In the deaf community, only a deaf person can name you. It can be a trait, characteristic, hobby. Arthur getting his name sign is a huge moment in the series that I was (and still am) so excited about happening. It's a gift to be given your name sign. It means acceptance into the community, it means you get a unique identity, and it gives you a name that truly fits who you are as you're seen by ..