분류 전체보기 (163) 썸네일형 리스트형 ANDRÉS FOR ALL STAR June 21, 2022 Did Giménez come up with another clutch hit today? Yes, he did it again. HE NEEDS OUR VOTES HE DESERVES OUR VOTES LETS GET HIM TO THE ALL STAR GAME is this good? KEEP KILLIN IT CHAMITO 👑👑 BOOK IT! June 19, 2022 The Cleveland Guardians are fun young fun gritty 라미레즈 코치님 빠른 복귀 기원 그렇다고 아픈데 나오라는건 아님 억지로 무리해서 몸 갈아가면서 경기 뛰는건 싫음 hey andrés lol, buddy 역적에서 throwing error that you shouldn't have thrown in the 7th 영웅으로 go-ahead rbi single with the bases loaded in the 9th 아 영웅까진 아니고 그냥 속죄한 정도..ㅋㅋ i know you tried to make a spectacular play there but that was not a good call. i'm sure you now know tha.. sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit June 18, 2022 ㄷㅐ충 살ㅈㅏ 크기가 어쨌든 액정보호필름을 붙이기만 하면 되는 나처럼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뭐 꼭 맞지 않아도.. 화면을 일단은 보호를 하는게 중요한거니ㄲㅏ.. me seeing the guardians liueup today ㅋㅋㅋ ㅎㅏㅎㅏㅎㅏ with no jose ramirez lineup today or josh naylor, there was no chance to win the game quite honestly, so i don't even get mad we had an awful game. it's okay move on well what i was thinking while watching the game.. i don't think anyone in the league.. kind of feel like i let them down June 14, 2022 SO CLOSE 😭 ONE FKN STRIKE AWAY FROM A NO HITTER 😭😭 심판놈아 초구 왜 안잡아줬어 베이더가 못잡는거면 누구도 못잡는거니까 어쩔수없다쳐도 1구 걸친 공 갑자기 존 타이트해지기 있기없기? 120개 넘게 던졌는데 ㅠㅠ 평생 한번말까한 노히터 목전에 두고 ㅠㅠ 노히터 1회부터 생방으로 본건 처음이어서 꼭 달성하길 바랬는데 공 하나 남겨두고 물거품 ㅎㅏㅇㅏㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 경기 완승 더블헤더 두 경기 다 잡고 위닝 확정 왜이렇게 근데 안 기쁘지 😢 또 기회가 오길 기원하겠음 그리고 그땐 오늘과 다른 결과이길 바라겠음 PS if cal mitchell has a million haters i am one of them. if cal mitchell has 1.. Kirill appreciation post June 13, 2022 한 달 전 내 얼마나 꺼이꺼이 울었던가 kirill in handshake line with blues' russian players 내 울음버튼 ㅠ it's wild how much one athlete can bring me joy.. cough kaprizov cough. kirill kaprizov never fails to amaze me. just plays the sport so beautifully. he has such nasty hands i can't believe he's a human. so creative. he's just too talented to be from this world. kaprizov is a big time player too. al.. F platoon June 12, 2022 me waking up to see guardians' 23 year old emerging young star getting platooned again ? so funny he says that cause he does not "let him play" I SAY IT AGAIN ANDRÉS GIMÉNEZ NEEDS TO BE AN EVERYDAY PLAYER AND I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY HE IS NOT by the way why did they play today so early? well actually a 11:35am sunday baseball game is pretty cool, also love that it's 8:35 in the.. surname not included June 11, 2022 사인 연습중 시간 절약을 위해 이름만 wowowow 1루수의 절레절레가 포인트 1루수 공 받는거 확인 안하고 바로 턴 의기양양하게 덕아웃 가는거도 멋있는데 짤렸음 ㅋ gif 출처 가디언스 단톡방 karinchak님 hey kaapo! would you like to join with the minnesota wild this summer? of course if we offer sheet you?????? oh wait wild so damn screwed up with their salary cap -_- nvm we're not going to be able to pay you sorry! hmmmmmm well carolina how about you, wanna try a.. starting shortstop June 9, 2022 유격수 출전 감독님 앞으로 제발 라인업에 유격수 안드레스 이름 먼저 쓰시라구요 수비 깔끔 별 어려운 타구도 없었고 바쁜 하루도 아녔음 삼진 먹고 병살타 쳐도 역전 적시타 치는 나는야 클러치에 강한 남자 그래서 야구가 좋다 세 번 중 한 번만 잘해도 실패에 실패를 거듭해도 제일 중요한 순간에 step up하면 성공이니까 흔들린 사진에서도 느껴지는 존잘의 기운 사기당한것같다 후 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 21 다음