Apr 13, 2023
it's freaking 26 degrees on april 12th
왜 갑자기 여름?
아니 왜 온도가 안 내려가냐구요
좋아하는 순서대로 고르기
어떻게 하나만 고르냐 다 좋아하고 지금 다 먹고 싶다
근데 오늘같은날은 당연히 물냉면 콩국수 무조건무저건
올해 wbc 때문에 야구를 일찍부터 보게 됐는데 아 깝깝하다 ㅋ특히나 감독들 옹고집 때문에 돌겠다 그냥 원래대로 하키 시즌 끝나고(=스탠리컵 응원팀 떨어지는 날) mlb 시작했으면 됐을걸(패배의 아픔을 잊기 위해선 다른 관심사로 방향을 재빨리 트는 현명한 무브) 예년보다 두달은 일찍부터 야구를 보고 있으니 내 정신 건강에 넘나 좋지가 않다
i'd love to have some hope and optimism but no sorry i simply don't have much of it. i'm by no means panicking or giving up but just don't have much positive to say right now cause of all the things that need to happen managers won't likely to do.
so i don't know
gotta keep reminding myself every day though, it's only april and baseball season is a marathon. can't get too high or too low. baseball is beautiful and stupid and wonderful and unreliable and magical. many times, all in one span of nine innings. this is a game of failure and the ups and downs of baseball is what makes it such a great game. you're going to have to enjoy a roller coaster of emotions and it surely will be a fun ride in the end.
so what am i gonna do?
keep watching