Feb 13, 2023
In South Korea, some stores package their bananas together in various ripeness stages so you can eat them over several days without them going brown. They call them "one-a-day bananas."
역시 한국인들 똑똑해
장 봐 온 사과고 청포도고 전래 시기만 해서 울고싶다 오랜만에 과일 산건데 왜 하필 이런 맛도 없는거만 골랐는지 어이없다
와우 현직 축구선수가?
of course he's from czech!
i'm happy for him and wish him the best of luck, and on the other hand, it's too bad we still have to say that, too bad that even in 2023 someone has to go out of their way to discuss being gay when it's so natural and matter of fact
YES ALLY!! great she has his back 👏👏👏